Liberating International Gaming Guild
A guild founded on stability, we endeavor to provide a safe and serene community core for those who wish to play Dual Universe as their own interests lead, avoiding the bureaucratic pandemonium and micromanaged user-restrictions. Soul Nebula offers its members access to numerical security, community trade and ideas, and potential friendships present in a large guild while still granting the freedom to experience Dual Universe with individual spontaneity. Soul Nebula has always and will continue to maintain this sanctuary for any who seek refuge from oppressive or corrupt leaderships.
To be a stable community core for DU players. Soul Nebula will not willingly subject itself to other organizations, therefore retaining the power to choose its own destiny. Wielding this power, the members can trust the GM to provide lasting security without having to pander to outside interests.
Single leader guild with supporting advisors. The GM holds final say but must guarantee the interests and ideals of Soul Nebula’s members. In order to aid in the relationship between GM and member, advisors will be selected which have proven themselves as unbiased and responsible, providing council on which forward paths should be taken to preserve the security of the guild. Soul Nebula is not a republic, but all members have the capacity to offer valuable foresight.
Single leader guild with supporting advisors. The GM holds final say but must guarantee the interests and ideals of Soul Nebula’s members. In order to aid in the relationship between GM and member, advisors will be selected which have proven themselves as unbiased and responsible, providing council on which forward paths should be taken to preserve the security of the guild. Soul Nebula is not a republic, but all members have the capacity to offer valuable foresight.
Guides are advisors, responsible for gathering and managing information and people to assist the GM with guild operation. Guide is an appointed position and will continue to be given to those members of the community who stand apart in their forethought and dedication.
Souls are all members of Soul Nebula. They provide body and action to the guild. Soul Nebula will need those willing to perform day-to-day actions as well as members willing to plan, design, and enact long term projects. All active members of the community are part of the whole and can never be replaced entirely by another. Souls will be expected to provide a reasonable amount of resources or services to support the guild.
Single leader guild with supporting advisors. The GM holds final say but must guarantee the interests and ideals of Soul Nebula’s members. In order to aid in the relationship between GM and member, advisors will be selected which have proven themselves as unbiased and responsible, providing council on which forward paths should be taken to preserve the security of the guild. Soul Nebula is not a republic, but all members have the capacity to offer valuable foresight.
Single leader guild with supporting advisors. The GM holds final say but must guarantee the interests and ideals of Soul Nebula’s members. In order to aid in the relationship between GM and member, advisors will be selected which have proven themselves as unbiased and responsible, providing council on which forward paths should be taken to preserve the security of the guild. Soul Nebula is not a republic, but all members have the capacity to offer valuable foresight.
Guides are advisors, responsible for gathering and managing information and people to assist the GM with guild operation. Guide is an appointed position and will continue to be given to those members of the community who stand apart in their forethought and dedication.
Souls are all members of Soul Nebula. They provide body and action to the guild. Soul Nebula will need those willing to perform day-to-day actions as well as members willing to plan, design, and enact long term projects. All active members of the community are part of the whole and can never be replaced entirely by another. Souls will be expected to provide a reasonable amount of resources or services to support the guild.
If you are interested in joining SN please stop by our discord chat server and say hello!